Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Don’t Stop Praying, in the Power of Silence You Will Find Peace in Your Soul and Fervor in Your Spirit
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Christine in France on February 17, 2025

THE LORD - Daughter, come and collect My Bread for all those who come to feed on it, because My Word is the Bread of Life that is eternal. Keep My Presence within you and you will find peace and joy, I who am peace and joy. Reading the Scriptures, reading My Word of life brings you true food and true drink, and the love of My Heart for you brings milk to your souls.
Why? Because milk is sweet and nourishes the soul and the body, the soul by the sweetness it brings and the body by the strength it gives. body by the strength it gives.
Children, don't stop praying, don't stop living with Me and in Me. I promise you, children, that with Me and in Me, you will go through all trials and overcome them all. I love, children, your soul in silence, which comes to meet Me, through thought, through sacred reading (the Holy Bible) or also through other sacred readings that bring your souls peace and joy. Children, I come to you in silence and I build My Dwelling in you when you come to Me in the silence of the world; you carry Me as your dwelling and I carry My Dwelling in you, in the silence of the world, children, you find union with Me and you build a dwelling in the land of Heaven. Children, learn silence, I who am silence, who speak in the heart of man and revise it with My Presence.
Unity gains strength in silence and the strength and power of my Presence takes root in the soul. Do not seek the world, but My path; do not look around you, but within you, where I dwell, I who accompany you at every moment and who build My Dwelling in you to make you live from Heaven and raise your souls to the highest heights. Heaven of the Eternal Father.
Children, in prayer you find the strength and the joy to carry out My Will, because only My Will can take you to Heaven and open the way for you, the only way, that of Salvation in the Eternal Father.
On Earth there will always be a struggle between what is right and good and what is wrong and evil, but the time will come when all that is evil will be expelled and you will live free, freed from the burdens of death that Satan installs and inflicts on the children of this world.
My children, follow My path, listen to My voice and you will overcome the thousand dangers that await you at every moment. May your hearts remain in constant prayer and, with Us (Most Holy Trinity), you will overcome the fears, intimidations, temptations and all the trials that the Evil One places in your path! Don't be afraid, but work in silence, through prayer.
Children, let prayer be your constant nourishment, and your souls will rise, savor the Light and shine with the Fire of the Most High, My Father and your Father.
Children, I ask you to pray without ceasing, to constantly listen to My voice which, in you, brings My Presence to you, not to enter into the temptations of the world which block My Law of love, and you will find Life, you will have Life in you, that which brings food and drink to your souls and brings you peace. Children, the heart must be prayer and only constant prayer will bring you the Living Water. Pray, children, pray without ceasing. To pray is to have your heart constantly in Heaven, it is to learn to love. Children, take your homes to the Wind of Heaven and you will live heart and soul in the Divine Spirit who accompanies and guides you.
Don't stop praying, in the power of silence you will find peace in your soul and fervor in your spirit. Pray, children, pray, prayer is strength, prayer is refuge, it is your refuge in these times that bring storm, tragedy and death. Keep your hearts anchored in Mine, I guide you on the path of justice and peace. Pray, children, pray without ceasing and everything within you will be profound joy, jubilation and the bliss of Heaven. Come to My Dwelling, I am waiting for you to place the Seal of My Heart on you to make you part of My Dwelling.
Watch and pray, prayer and vigil have the same strength, prayer and vigil are in the same boat and both lead to the gates of Heaven, to the underground River of My Divine Heart. Remain in Me, I breathe into you, into you, the divine Fruit of My Word and I guide your steps on My path of life. Love, children, love and everything else will be given to you in addition, and you will live true Life, which is in your Savior and your Master, Master of Love, Master of the Word, Master of Life. Enter into My courts and come and taste the fruit of My Heart, come and drink from the fountain of the living Water of Salvation that I am and you will live, children, you will live in truth and in truth and no one will be able to separate you from Me.
The Life in you will bear fruit, the Fruit of the Life that I am, which irrigates your flowerbeds and makes them shine with My Word to lead you to the New Wind, the Wind of My Spirit which, in every man of good will, bears fruit in the proportion of a hundred, in the proportion of a thousand to one.
Watch and pray without ceasing. In prayer, you will always be protected and you will live, your heart will fly with Mine and your lives will bear fruit.